The Data Breach Cost Calculator is one of the most popular tools in the eRiskHub.® Here we allow you to view a sample version that contains simplified results. The calculator allows you to run a scenario to see how much a data breach could potentially cost your company. Data breach costs can vary depending on the type of information lost, such as PII, PCI or PHI. The calculator breaks down the cost by incident investigation, customer notification costs and crisis management, regulator fines and penalties, PCI, and class action lawsuits. To learn more about the full detailed version, please contact your insurance carrier or use the contact us link in the top right of the page.

Answer the questions in the first section. Click the 'Calculate' button to view your estimated costs based on your answers to these 7 questions.

Important Information: The numbers presented in the NetDiligence® Data Breach Cost Calculator are estimates and provided for education and illustration purposes only. Actual expenses and liability exposures due to identity theft or data breach incident may vary based on variables not considered in this calculator. Numerical results presented in the Data Breach Cost Calculator are based on a proprietary formula developed by NetDiligence and its insurance industry partners. This formula takes into account information available in the public domain and information obtained through various websites that track breach statistics. Please note: This calculator is not intended to predict insurable perils or related costs and has no bearing on any insurance policy.