NetDiligence is an award-winning provider of innovative cyber risk management solutions.
Our services and solutions are designed for corporate risk managers, cyber liability insurers and attorneys who specialize in data security and privacy.
To learn more about our solutions, just click on the headings below. Or visit our website at
You can’t prepare for a threat you never saw coming. Risk management begins with an unflinching look at your cyber security strengths and weaknesses.
NetDiligence QuietAudit® Cyber Risk Assessments guarantee clients a fully developed, enterprise-wide picture of their cyber security posture and risk
readiness. Through the assessment process we document what’s working and what’s not, providing a critical starting point for risk mitigation, while giving
insurers the confidence they need to underwrite your organization.
Cyber Health Check is a quick, efficient e-risk examination conducted via a survey. We begin by gathering information and conducting an audit of existing materials. The next step is a Client IT Security Phone Interview in which our specially designed questions help measure your organization’s key practices against ISO 27002 security standards and current threat vectors. NetDiligence provides a Risk Manager Summary report that details the results of the Health Check and makes recommendations for improving security safeguards.
CFO Cyber Risk Assessment offers a more in-depth solution, combining the Cyber Health Check with an independent review of security and privacy practices conducted by peers. This solution also includes a remote vulnerability scan of perimeter network devices such as web and email servers, firewalls and more to ensure they are properly guarded against outside attacks. Up to eight systems can be tested. A CFO Summary Report benchmarks client practices against industry standards, notes weak spots, and makes recommendations for improving security safeguards.
Network Vulnerability Scan Testing digs deep, scanning your entire network, including firewalls and web servers, for areas of weakness. NetDiligence’s Scan Testing tool can identify more than 6000 potential vulnerabilities more commonly used by hackers, including misconfigured, unpatched, or unhardened externally facing network servers and devices. Probes can detect whether an attacker can gain unauthorized access, create a denial of service or gain sensitive data from the network. A concise Summary Report details the findings and offers critical fix recommendations to remediate any uncovered vulnerabilities and help close up the gaps before a malicious actor finds them.
NetDiligence offers additional risk assessments designed to fit industry-specific needs. For more information, visit:
Taking good faith measures to address the inevitable is every executive’s responsibility. Powered by NetDiligence, Breach Plan Connect™
ensures that when the worst case scenario hits you’ve got best case scenario protection. This safety net solution prepares you to move forward quickly and
purposefully in the chaotic aftermath of a data breach with the help of an Incident Response Plan (IRP).
Breach Plan Connect guides your organization through the process of building your own IRP which will not only serve as a roadmap during a time of crisis but will also stand up to regulatory expectations. Once the IRP is complete, NetDiligence hosts the plan so it can be accessed immediately from any location and any device. Stick to the plan by checking off the steps as you log your incident and respond accordingly. And because even the best IRP needs to be updated, we send out periodic reminders to review the plan and keep it current.
Breach Plan Connect is more than an incident response tool, however. It’s also a cyber risk management portal. Pre-breach tools, whitepapers and cyber news ensure your organization is informed about the latest threats and technological advances in cyber security. Proactive executive- and board-level guidance can help your management team align with best practices in breach preparedness. With Breach Plan Connect, you can improve your incident readiness and empower your organization to face whatever happens next.
For more information, visit
In the world of cyber risk, ongoing education is paramount to business survival. Each year, NetDiligence hosts Cyber Conferences in Philadelphia, Santa Monica and Toronto as a forum for learning and engagement.
We invite a faculty of more than 80 leaders, representing the fields of cyber liability insurance, regulation, legal services, and security/privacy technology, to share their latest insights and discuss emerging trends in cyber security. As the leading networking events in the cyber risk industry, the Cyber Liability Conferences attract hundreds of attendees, including insurers, reinsurers, brokers, risk managers, attorneys and technologists. Insurers and lawyers can obtain continuing education credits for attending the two-day meeting. Learn about:
- Insuring against cyber risk
- Mitigating breach damage
- Implementing technology to prevent risk
- How to work with state and federal regulators
- How breach investigations are conducting
- The latest developments in privacy law
- Recent breach cases
- …and much more
For more information, visit:
Our field is constantly changing with new threats, developing laws and regulations, not to mention evolving technologies, making information an important
line of defense. Keep up with the ever-shifting data security landscape with our Cyber Risk News Alerts. This monthly publication
aggregates the latest media stories about cyber risk, privacy liability and related concerns, including regulatory enforcement, legal developments,
international issues, data breach notifications, emerging attack vectors and industry research. It’s also the best way to stay up to date with
NetDiligence’s newest product offerings.
To view back issues and subscribe, visit:
Recent Posts
- Collective Strength: Facing Cyber Challenges with Diverse Perspectives
- Avoiding HIPAA Violations and the Consequences of Non-Compliance
- Understanding the Cyber Intrusion Path to Strengthen Security
- Quick Guide to Preventing Third-Party Cyber Incidents
- Business Email Compromise Incident Response and Containment: An Essential Guide