Let's face it. There's no such thing as perfect security. Whether by hacker, computer glitch or staff mistake, most organizations will experience a data breach incident.
In the face of a cyber incident, your clients need urgent help and expertise to respond and recover. Given the complex nature of such events, response is always multi-pronged, requiring expertise in legal/regulatory compliance, information technology (IT) security, privacy, DR/BC, computer forensics, law enforcement, PR, and other areas.
Knowing that a breach is almost inevitable—and the cost potentially devastating—what can you do to help your clients:
- Keep informed about evolving risks and changing regulations.
- Get aggressive with their IT security and privacy defenses.
- Be proactive in planning their response.
When you license the eRiskHub® portal, powered by NetDiligence®, you provide your clients with a go-to resource for all things cyber, helping them shore up their defenses and respond effectively to data breaches, network attacks and other cyber events.
We offer several different options to choose from! See our options to the right.